Thursday, September 17, 2009

New JONES Combination Speedometer-Odometer

For the dashboard of your automobile. Indicates the speed with positive accuracy. Registers the season mileage traveled in miles and tenths to 10,000 miles. Registers the Trip mileage in miles and tenths to 100 miles. The mile figures are black; fractional miles, red. The Trip register has a stop watch instantaneous resetting stem. Speed is indicated and mileage cumulatively recorded whether the car go forward or backward.

THE DASH BRACKET is adjustable to permit the instrument being set at any desired angle.

THE SHAFT CONNECTION is adjustable and permits the passing of the shaft through the floor; through, or around either end of the car.

The principle and general construction of our new instruments remain essentially the same as in previous models—for the reason that the features of compactness and durability are made possible in their highest form.

Complete Catalog upon request.
New York Exhibit, Madison Square Garden only, Jan. 13-20.

130 West 32d St., New York.

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