Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Standard Roller Bearing Co.
50th St. and Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Ball Bearings, Roller Bearings,
Steel, Brass and Bronze


Write for Catalogue with full particulars of the new
Standard Transmission Axle
in which the transmission is mounted on the rear axle
in the same housing as the differential.
Also manufacturers of SHAFTING HANGER BOXES with
Roller Bearings which can be purchased
from your local dealer.
Standard Roller Bearing Co., Philadelphia

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

RELIANCE-DETROIT: A Good Time to Think And Something to Think Of!

The present lull in business furnishes an opportunity—of which discriminating and farsighted manufacturers are promptly availing themselves.

Economy of operation must be considered, and we can help you to reduce expenses— at the same time increasing the efficiency of your plant. We are today building and selling

2 CYLINDER, 2 to 2½. ton trucks,
3 CYLINDER, 3 ton trucks,
4 CYLINDER, 4 ton trucks,
each capable of a 25 per cent. OVERLOAD. These three sizes constitute the only capacities for economical trucking.

Send at once for Catalog and Prices.

Reliable Agents Wanted

Monday, September 28, 2009

Special Notices

Under This Heading
at $0.50 an
Inch for Each Issue,
in Advance.
Half Inch, 75 Ct.

MOBILE, run about 1,600 miles, excellent
steamer, perfect condition, trial given. Price,
$350. Dr. B. A. O'Bryon, Ridgefleld, Conn.

WHITE Steam Carriage, in A 1 condition, except
finish on body, which shows wear.
Price, $875. Address M. T. C, care Horseless Age.

CLEVELAND Tricycle, $100, cost $350. Orient
tricycle. 3-1/4 h. p. motor, water cooled head. 2-1.2-
inch G. & J. tires, $200, cost $450; fine condition.
Harry R. Geer, 1017, Pine St., St. Louis, Mo.

VICTOR Steam Automobile with victoria top.
Used but little In perfect order, and good
in every way as new. William Mossman, Mattapan,

WINTON, 1900 model, in good condition. New
Apple igniter, full leather top; 8-1.2 h. p.
Price, $800. M. Bonner Flinn, 15 King St., Worcester,

OLDSMOBILE. new this season, used by agent
for demonstrating, condition perfect. No
better value offered anywhere. Address A. B. C,
care this office.

WINTON Surrey and Single Seat for sale, $1,000
and $750; late improvements, first class order
for instant use, many extras. Robin Damon,
Salem, Mass.

A $35 grade Acetylene Automobile Headlight in
good order. Box 227, Springfield, Mass.

IMPORTANT—I will now sell my patent Reversing
Valve for auto steam engines at a
sacrifice, or would exchange for an auto. D. W.
Roy, Box 431. Tucson, Ariz.

Mons. Serpollet's World's Record Breaking
Car, which holds the world's kilometre
record of 29-4/5 seconds, equal to 75 miles per
hour. Price. 2,000, or nearest offer. Apply
to W. L. CREYKE,
16 George St., Oxford, England.

1901 Winton. Just had $118.40 worth of improvements,
including 1902 spark advancer
and oiler, new wiring, sprockets, etc. In
good running order. Price, cash, $850—if
taken immediately.
R. J. SALTSMAN, 2d, Erie, Pa.

1900 Winton in perfect order. New differential,
new change speed gears, spark advancer, Dietz
lamps, Edison battery, two 4x36-inch extra tires.
$650. U. S, " Long Distance" with top, mud
guards, Dietz lamps, odometer, extra tire and
Edison battery. Has been run but little, and is
better than new. $850,
645 N. Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa.

A 12 h. p. practically new Gasmobile
Surrey. Special finish, in perfect running
order; can be seen by appointment. Price,
$2,200. Reason for selling, owner has purchased
larger machine.
Address C. D., care Horseless Age.

Haynes-Apperson single seated automobile;
1902 model, detachable, reversible
front seat ; will accommodate two extra
people; in first-class order; has run perhaps
five or six hundred miles; can be seen and
tried at the residence of the owner. Price,
one thousand dollars ($1,000). Address
Wilmington, Del.

Winton Surrey, 1901 model, with
new spark advancer, new tires and
two extra tires, $1,000.
1416 So. Perm. Square, Philadelphia.

Six Mobile Wagonettes, seating capacity
ten passengers each; not one of these machines
has been run over 150 miles ; all are
in as good condition as when they left the
factory. Price, |1,600, cash, f. o. b. cars
San Jose, Cal.
Mountain View, Cal.

or exchange for light gasoline or electric
runabout, one Columbia Mark
XII. Runabout, new last November,
three new tires, valued at $350 ; also
one 22-foot cabin gasoline launch,
double cylinder motor, not run 50
miles. Value, $600. Will sell or
exchange either or both.
Waikins, It. Y.

Geuuine De Dion Quadricycle, 2-1/4 h. p.
Longuemare carburetor, Chenard front seat,
new tires and extra tubes, extra valves,
rubber apron, gas lamps, horn, tricycle
wheel, in fine condition, except paint.
Have larger machine. Price, $250.
170 Woodland Ave., New Rochelle, N. Y.

I offer for sale the above carriage, guaranteed
to be strictly first class in every respect. Complete
with top, side curtains, boot, lamps and outfit
of tools. Manufacturers' price, $1,200. My
price, $900 cash.
Bay City, Michigan.

FOR SALE—My 1901 De Dion 5 H. P. Motorette,
built on special order and used latter part of
summer just mough to get everything into perfect
working order. This carriage will seat four; has
fine leather top; large rubber storm boot; specially
large gasoline tank; oil tank and pump.
Speed controlled by pedal or lever, as desired.
Numerous improvements of details; also efficient
sprag. Tires, 30 in. by 3-1.2 in. Goodrich "Clinchers"
now good as new and very satisfactory (am placing
same type on my new carriage). This machine
was cared for by one of the best machinists in extensive
engine building works, and is far better
than a new carriage would be. It is specially designed
for moderate speed country touring, and
has proven its reliability. No parts are worn
more than to secure good surface. Has just been
repainted. Cost nearly $1,700. Will deliver immediately
on board cars and pay freight to any
point in United States, but will not take less than
$1,200 cash. Photograph sent on application. E. E.
KELLER, Vice-President The Westinghouse Machine
Company, Pittsburg, Pa.

1901 12-Horse Power Winton semi-racer, with
leather phaeton top, which has never been used ;
has spark advancer, throttle governor, Holtzer-
Cabot magneto sparker with automatic switch to
batteries; wheel steering, and is capable of 40
miles an hour over good roads; has just been
thoroughly overhauled and is in first-class condition
for this season's work. Price $1,500.
Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.

of the Horseless Age, bound with
without advertisements, $5.
The Horseless Age,
Times Building, New York.

whether a $15,000 Panhard or a motor cycle made with
your own hands. We have customers for any and all kinds.
Oldest established general Automobile Agency In the United States.
DU BOIS' AUTOMOBILE AGENCY, 220 Broadway, New York.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Clark Detachable Tire.

The Clark Tire Company, of Chicago,
111., have recently placed upon the market
a new detachable tire, differing considerably
from the usual tire of this description.
It is composed of a strut band, a casing
and an inner tubing.

The strut band is composed of a strip of
metal to which are attached a number of
struts so spaced and arranged that when
placed on the rim five of the struts engage
the openings in a standard rim.

The casing is made of the Para rubber
and constricting fabric; it is molded in
oval form to give it a compressed tread.
Upon each side of the casing is a chafing
roll so placed as to lie directly upon the
rim edges, thus preventing the rim from
coming in contact with the casing proper.
Eyelets are placed in the casing under the
chafing rolls and so spaced as to engage
the struts on the band.

The tube is said to be of extra heavy

The compressed tread is an advantage,
as by its means cuts or punctures have a
tendency to close immediately. The manufacturers,
however, do not claim a puncture
proof tire.

Repairs can be effected on the road, and
without the use of tools any part of the
casing can be released and the inner tube
withdrawn at the place punctured, a patch
applied and a permanent repair effected,
without the loss of much time.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Minor Mention

During his recent visit to London the
Shah of Persia bought six automobiles,
each of 12 horse power, roofed and convertible
into a close carriage. Each car
has seating accommodations for eight
persons. Two of the vehicles are to be
sent to Persia immediately with engineers
who have been engaged for them.


To secure more room we have moved our office from the
sixth to the thirteenth floor of the American Tract Society
Building, where our advertisers and subscribers are invited to

Friday, September 25, 2009

Alcohol Motors

In the Acetylene Number, to be issued in May, we shall
also consider the availability of alcohol as a fuel for vehicle
motors. It is well known that alcohol is a poor fuel as compared
with gasoline or kerosene, and that its economical use
in motors would only be possible if the price of gasoline were
raised to the point of extortion or its supply should fail and
the tax on alcohol now levied by the Government were abolished.

Still, we shall endeavor to present some interesting
facts in regard to this fuel.

Honor to Whom Honor is Due

More honor to the Honorable J. Scott Montagu, M. P.!
He told the truth. The motor trade of Great Britain had
waited and suffered long, but now that the silence is broken
and Lawsonian tactics are held up to public scorn, the tide
has turned and more rapid and substantial progress may
be expected.


The promoters of the Lead Cab flotilla are squeezing some
of the water out of their stocks. If they will only sit a little
longer on the stool of repentance perhaps they will muster
up courage enough to tell their shareholders and the public
what it costs to operate Lead Cabs. No doubt a further reduction
of capital stock would then be found advisable.

Do You C Stars When You Think of Wrenches?

Everybody does. That is what comes of 70 years of successful manufacture.

The star trade mark is stamped on every COES.


New York Agents:
J. C. McCARTY & CO., 21 Murray Street.
JOHN H. GRAHAM & CO., 113 Chambers Street

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Newly Elected Officers of the AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF AMERICA

If you should encounter any of this august body upon the street, be sure to compliment them upon the sterling work they do. Except for Mr. Ripley, whose sanguine tendencies have been well-documented elsewhere.









Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Temporary Inconvenience and Dangers

Among the recent legal decisions affecting
the rights of automobilists on the public
highways, is the clear and strong opinion
by Judge Sutherland of the Rochester
municipal court, of New York. The conclusions
of the judge, as stated in that
opinion, are undoubtedly good law, and
the breadth of view displayed in that
opinion has been a material aid to the
whole industry. The concluding remarks
In the opinion referred to are as follows:

"The temporary inconvenience and dangers
incident to the introduction of these
modern and practical modes of travel
upon the highway must be subordinate
to the larger and permanent benefits to
the general public resulting from the
adoption of the improvements which science
and inventive skill have perfected."

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ignition: Troublesome

It is generally admitted that the ignition is at present the
most bothersome part of a gasoline motor for the novice to
handle, and some manufacturers advocate a single cylinder
motor for this reason alone. Although admitting that for general
purposes of construction the two-cylinder motor is to be
preferred, they believe it is easier to study the electric ignition
with one cylinder than with two.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Coast is Clear

With the exception of New York State, the coast is apparently
clear for the motor vehicle throughout the United
States. License laws and speed laws are being discussed and
will in some instances be enacted, but from the present outlook
the motor vehicle will not be burdened with adverse
legislation to any great extent, nor for any great length of
time. Speed laws are reasonable and necessary; license laws
are not with the probable exception of some classes of steam
vehicles which may have to be subjected to some kind of
supervision by the authorities.

In point of legal status, therefore, motor vehicle manufacturers
have little cause for complaint and it will be their
own fault if the coast does not remain clear for them.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Dead Letter Laws

As predicted by the editor of The Horseless Age, the park
authorities who have been so injudicious as to exclude motor
vehicles from their confines are offering but a feeble resistance
to violators of their ordinances. Having stirred up a
perfect hornets' nest of criticism from all sides, they are quite
content to save their official dignity by letting the matter
drop as quickly as it will. They had not counted on the popularity
of the motor vehicle, and to public; opinion, must all
publjc servants bow

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Roaring Lion.

The lion's roar of the monopolists who early in the year
were seeking whole motor industries to devour has dwindled
to a bird-like chirp, just loud enough to remind us of their
existence and altogether peaceful and domestic in its tone.
We are glad to have the monopolists with us. The motor
vehicle industry is big enough to accommodate any number of
monopolists, as well as independents of all kinds and degrees,
and when the lion has lost his roar and his claws he is forced
to content himself with a more abstemious diet.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Horse and Driver Alike

Elwood Haynes, of the Haynes-Apperson Co., Kokomo,
Ind., who recently made the long run from Kokomo to New
York in one of their carriages, says he believes the average
horse is afraid of a motor carriage, not because of the noise it
makes, but because it moves along without the aid of animal
power, and, therefore, has about it something uncanny to the
equine mind. Other users who have carefully observed the
conduct of horses in meeting motor vehicles on the road are
of the same opinion, and as a like bewilderment and terror may
be observed in many of the human beings who drive horses,
the mental processes of the horse and the man appear to be
quite similar after all


Advertisements Inserted under this heading at $2.00 an Inch for each
issue, payable in advance.

Special contributors to THE HORSELESS AGE on
all important subjects relating to Motor Vehicles.
Fair compensation. Address THE HORSELESS AGE,
150 Nassau Street, New York.

A "Locomobile," direct from the factory, with
makers' latest improvements, and tools, bell, etc.,
besides. Price, $800 00. Can be seen in New York.
Immediate delivery. Address K. B.,

Front axle complete for four foot track with complete steering
device with rods and handle. Reaches all ironed with brass
boxes attached for either roller or plain bearings. Rear axle
with or without differential, braces, collars, etc. Gearing, etc.
Write for prices and drawings.
A. L. DYKE, Hope, Ark.

We are delivering motor vehicles regularly. Four
styles. Catalog free. Motors and supplies on hand.
Also two second-hand machines at attractive prices.
Peoria, 111

$700.00 offered for new Stanley Locomobile, delivery
before October 15th. LOUIS WILCOX, Grand
Avenue, Corner Atwater Street, New Haven, Conn

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Automobile Accidents

A five year old girl was run over and killed by an electric cab in New York last
week. It appears from the testimony of the driver that she ran from the curb directly
in front of the vehicle.

On August 23 a machine occupied by J.A. Hands and J. F. Merk ran into an obstruction
just outside the Brighton Beach track, and the two men were thrown out,
Mr. Hands breaking an arm.

While practicing on the Brighton Beach track on the morning of the races; H. C.
Smith got too near the fence with his Winton machine and struck a post with rather
bad results to both fence and vehicle.

Mr. and Mrs. John Mills, of St. David's, Pa., were thrown from their automobile
while passing through Bryn Mawr on August 23, and were badly injured. While the
machine was ascending a grade, with Mrs. Mills in charge of the levers, a chain broke
and the auto came to a stop with a jerk sufficiently abrupt to unseat the two occupants,
and both were thrown violently into the road.

A touring car occupied by Dr. A. A. Webber and S. C. Blaisdell, of Brooklyn,
came to grief at Lynbrook, L. I., on August 24. It was being driven at a high speed
when, to avoid a horse vehicle suddenly looming up, the driver turned out abruptly
and ran the machine into the ditch. The two occupants were painfully injured and
the machine badly wrecked.

Price: Ten Cents.

New JONES Combination Speedometer-Odometer

For the dashboard of your automobile. Indicates the speed with positive accuracy. Registers the season mileage traveled in miles and tenths to 10,000 miles. Registers the Trip mileage in miles and tenths to 100 miles. The mile figures are black; fractional miles, red. The Trip register has a stop watch instantaneous resetting stem. Speed is indicated and mileage cumulatively recorded whether the car go forward or backward.

THE DASH BRACKET is adjustable to permit the instrument being set at any desired angle.

THE SHAFT CONNECTION is adjustable and permits the passing of the shaft through the floor; through, or around either end of the car.

The principle and general construction of our new instruments remain essentially the same as in previous models—for the reason that the features of compactness and durability are made possible in their highest form.

Complete Catalog upon request.
New York Exhibit, Madison Square Garden only, Jan. 13-20.

130 West 32d St., New York.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Want All Motor Vehicles Licensed

The aldermen of Boston are wrestling with an ordinance to
compel the licensing of all motor vehicles. The ordinance introduced
reads as follows :
Nor shall any owner or driver of any vehicle drive it or permit it to be driven on the streets of Boston by power of steam, gas, gasolene, naphtha, compressed air, electricity or combination of any or all without a permit from the Board of Aldermen.
There is no shallow of justification for the licensing of motor
vehicles, unless all vehicles are to be licensed. The motor
vehicle is not a road destroyer like the horse, but a road
maker; it is safer and more manageable than a horse; it will
relieve the congestion of the streets and facilitate travel and
traffic in general. How, then, can it rightly be subject to
restrictions from which horse vehicles are exempt?

This matter was quite fully discussed in our issue of April
11, and it is safe to say now, as was said then, that any such
general ordinance as that cited above would quickly become a
dead letter if the lawmakers are foolish enough to pass it.

A New Name For It

While the philologists are amusing themselves with the invention of new names for the motor vehicle a
Western newspaper spontaneously springs upon us a name which, in length and breadth, far surpasses
any the philologists have yet been able to invent. It is "horseless carriage bicycle," a medley of horses,
bicycles and carriages that is not so inappropriate a description of the work of some of our inventors as might be supposed.

An Egregious Blunder

The transcontinental tourists have abandoned their worldshaking trip and returned to private life. The whole scheme was an egregious blunder for all concerned, discreditable to
the promoters and to the industry in general, and the sooner it is forgotten the better.