Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Have You a Spider On Your Car?

This wonderful little device will actually save from 20 per cent, to 50 per cent, of your gasoline expense. It
costs only $6.00 and is sold under an absolute guarantee to do what is claimed for it—your money back otherwise.

The Spider is easily inserted in any machine at your garage or just as readily with your own hands. It
mixes the air and gas thoroughly, as no carburetor does, yielding the minimum of resistance with the maximum of cutting power.

Twice as much Mileage out of a Gallon

That's one man's experience with The Spider. It not only saves gas—it prevents choking, eliminates friction,
increases power and adds immeasurably to the comfort of motoring. It pays for itself over and over again.

Ask the nearest dealer in auto supplies to show you The Spider. If he hasn't it, send direct to us.

Let us mail you the story of "One Man Who Cut His Gas Bills in Half."

RAIMES & CO., Distributors of Globe Metal Polish and Other Auto Supplies
52 Ferry Street, New York, N. Y.

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