Philadelphia, Nov. 20.
Editor Horseless Age:
In the test of the regulation of the Fairmount Park Commission
much more is involved than the mere question of
whether or not the park or certain roads of the park shall be
closed to automobiles. The case before us is not one created
intentionally. It was quite accidental and the result of
inadvertence and insufficient knowledge of a rather vague regulation
on one part and on the other part undue, heedless,
indiscreet severity.
The real issue is to restrain the "insolence of office."
Our guards are vested with power necessarily, and by reason
of the very rare appeal from their actions, little by little
they lose the sense of fitness in the enforcement of rules.
More than this, there is involved a resistance to high-handed,
unauthorized, unlawful police violence against the public.
And still deeper there is a laying bare of the ill-considered,
crude legislation from which we suffer so much. The laws
drafted ordinarily, when thev are under fire, are shown up to be
vague, ambiguous and really unenforceable.
Respectfullv yours.